Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2024


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Additional information available here.

CMOR 220 002 (CRN: 15478)


Department: Comp Appl Math Operations Rsch
Instructor: Protasov, Anastasiya
1:00PM - 1:50PM MW (26-AUG-2024 - 6-DEC-2024) 
6:00PM - 6:50PM W (26-AUG-2024 - 6-DEC-2024) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Distribution Group: Distribution Group III
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Undergraduate Professional
Visiting Undergraduate
Section Max Enrollment: 17
Section Enrolled: 17
Total Cross-list Max Enrollment: 153
Total Cross-list Enrolled: 136
Enrollment data as of: 17-JAN-2025 9:51PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Take-Home Exam
Final Exam Time:
2:00PM - 5:00PM U
Description: Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization using Matlab and Python. This project-based course introduces students to engineering computation in Matlab and Python. Computational projects motivated by different science and engineering applications are used to introduce basic numerical methods, and develop computational solutions using Matlab and Python. No programming knowledge is required or expected; students learn how to implement their solutions in Matlab and Python. Lectures are held Mondays and Wednesdays. In a laboratory component held on Fridays, students work in small groups on computational projects led by a Rice Learning Assistant. Fall/Spring semester: meeting 3 times per week (50min each meeting). Summer semester: meeting 5 times per week (65min each meeting) OR refer to the current schedule. Cross-list: CMOR 220, CMOR 220, CMOR 220, CMOR 220, CMOR 220, CMOR 220, CMOR 220, CMOR 220. Recommended Prerequisite(s): MATH 101 or MATH 105