Course Schedule - Spring Semester 2023


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Additional information available here.

ENGL 114 001 (CRN: 24100)


Department: English
Instructor: Schimmel, Ian
Meeting: 6:15PM - 8:45PM T (9-JAN-2023 - 21-APR-2023) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Seminar
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
Prerequisites: ENGL 113
Section Max Enrollment: 0 (permission required) Instructor Permission Required
Section Enrolled: 13
Enrollment data as of: 13-FEB-2025 2:05PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: No Final Exam
Final Exam Time:
9:00AM - 12:00PM S
Description: Taught in the Spring, Literary Editing & Publishing/The Rice Review is the second course recommended to students desiring practical skills in the fields of literary editing and publishing. Experiential in nature, this class engages students in the real considerations and hands-on experience of publishing Rice’s nationally award-winning undergraduate literary journal, The Rice Review. Enrolled students will participate in weekly editorial meetings to read and discuss the merits of undergraduate submissions across literature’s three main genres: poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Students will discuss a diverse group of submissions in the workshop setting, refine their editorial skills through written critiques, and enlarge their understanding of the editing process. Later in the term, students will become proficient with Adobe's InDesign layout software and create final magazine spreads that demonstrate an attention to the interplay of text and image. Students will also be asked to become practitioners of “literary citizenship.” This will come about through participation at outside literary events and through the hands-on experience of planning and hosting The Rice Review’s Spring Launch Event. All students will be considered official staffers for the magazine and will be acknowledged in that year’s annual issue. Course counts towards the English Creative Writing Major Concentration (ECRW) and the Minor in Creative Writing. In order to control course demand, registration is by permission of the instructor. Please reach out to to register or with inquiries. There is no prerequisite for this course, but a joy for reading and debating the qualities of great poetry and prose is strongly encouraged. ENGL 113 is a prerequisite for ENGL 114, or permission from the instructor is required.