Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2020


Meeting location information can now be found on student schedules in ESTHER (for students) or on the Course Roster in ESTHER (for faculty and instructors).
Additional information available here.

ECON 800 908 (CRN: 11985)


Department: Economics
Instructor: Rezende Cunha, Flavio
Meeting:  (24-AUG-2020 - 4-DEC-2020) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Course Type: Research
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Method of Instruction: Online
Credit Hours: 1 TO 12
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Section Max Enrollment: 0 (permission required)
Section Enrolled: 0
Enrollment data as of: 12-FEB-2025 11:39AM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: GR Course-Dept Schedules Exam
Description: Assists students in the dissertation writing process. Students must write an independent and original piece of quantitative research that is of sufficient quality to merit publication in an academic economics journal. Towards this objective, faculty mentor evaluate and critique the research of PhD students who are either preparing research before formally selecting a dissertation topic or actively engaged in dissertation research. Repeatable for Credit.