Course Schedule - Spring Semester 2020


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HART 661 001 (CRN: 23408)


Department: Art History
Instructor: Huang, Shih-Shan
Meeting: 1:00PM - 3:30PM T (13-JAN-2020 - 24-APR-2020) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Seminar
Language of Instruction: Taught in Chinese
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Prerequisites: HART 571 OR HART 623
Section Max Enrollment: 0 (permission required) Instructor Permission Required
Section Enrolled: 1
Total Cross-list Max Enrollment: 0
Total Cross-list Enrolled: 2
Enrollment data as of: 12-FEB-2025 6:34PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Take-Home Exam
Final Exam Time:
2:00PM - 5:00PM U
Description: This course will study woodblock print illustrations in the context of cultural change. Buddhism and printing have been closely related since the dawn of the age of print. Many scriptures reproduced by woodblock printing were imbedded with illustrations, which themselves offer an effective tool to study cultural transformation. The seminar draws sources from both images and texts. Its cross-cultural perspective highlights nomads and non-Chinese peoples as agents of cultural transformation, with additional visual comparisons from Korean, Japanese, and Islamic traditions. In addition to weekly discussions, the final evaluation includes a 25-page research paper and a 30-minute presentation. Students should have an advanced background in Chinese art to take this seminar. Course will be taught in English and Chinese. Cross-list: HART 460. Mutually Exclusive: Cannot register for HART 661 if student has credit for HART 460.