Course Schedule - Spring Semester 2018


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SOCI 301 001 (CRN: 23438)


Department: Sociology
Instructor: Turley, Ruth
Meeting: 2:00PM - 3:15PM MW (8-JAN-2018 - 20-APR-2018) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Distribution Group: Distribution Group II
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
May not be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Section Max Enrollment: 49
Section Enrolled: 31
Enrollment data as of: 19-FEB-2025 4:06PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Scheduled Final Exam-OTR Room
Final Exam Time:
2:00PM - 5:00PM T
Description: This course investigates the causes and consequences of social inequality in the U.S., focusing on inequality by class, race, and gender. We will discuss different measures of inequality, the extent of inequality, as well as classical and modern theories for why it has been increasing since the 1970s. In addition, we will discuss how much inequality is justifiable and which redistributive programs work.