Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2015


Meeting location information can now be found on student schedules in ESTHER (for students) or on the Course Roster in ESTHER (for faculty and instructors).
Additional information available here.

ENGL 541 001 (CRN: 14483)


Department: English
Instructor: Michie, Helena
Meeting: 2:00PM - 4:59PM M (24-AUG-2015 - 4-DEC-2015) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Section Max Enrollment: 19
Section Enrolled: 9
Enrollment data as of: 8-FEB-2025 3:51AM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: GR Course-Dept Schedules Exam
Description: A variable topics course. Please consult the English department website for additional information. Recent topics have included "Material Constructions, or What Things Have to Do With Us", and "On or About 1860". Repeatable for Credit.