Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2015


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Additional information available here.

MGMP 540 002 (CRN: 14058)


Department: Management
Instructor: De Angelis, David
Meeting: 6:15PM - 9:29PM M (17-AUG-2015 - 28-SEP-2015) 
Part of Term: PMBA First Year 3
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 1.5
Course Syllabus:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Program(s):
MBA for Professional Extended
MBA for Professional Weekend
MBA for Professionals
Section Max Enrollment: 65
Section Enrolled: 54
Enrollment data as of: 13-FEB-2025 4:29AM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Final Exam Unknown
Description: We study production and pricing decisions under different assumptions about firm market power. Emphasis is placed on understanding the relevant costs in firm decision-making. Examples are used from marketing and accounting areas. Required for MBA.