Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2014


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Additional information available here.

COMP 651 001 (CRN: 11248)


Department: Computer Science
Instructor: McLurkin, James
Meeting: 3:00PM - 3:59PM W (25-AUG-2014 - 5-DEC-2014) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Seminar
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 1 TO 9
Course Syllabus:
Section Max Enrollment: 19
Section Enrolled: 7
Enrollment data as of: 24-JAN-2025 5:04AM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Final Exam Unknown
Description: SPRING 2013 - SPECIAL TOPICS IN ROBOTICS Robot Navigation and Multi-Robot Systems - This seminar will explore important topics in robot navigation and multi-robot systems. Students will read, present, and discuss research papers covering the relevant topics. The instructor will give background lectures where appropriate. Topics will include: outdoor navigation, vision-based navigation, multi-robot manipulation, network configuration estimation. Students will be responsible for: reading papers, writing one-paragraph paper summaries, presenting to the class, and periodically solving analysis problems assigned by the instructor. Repeatable for Credit.