Course Schedule - Spring Semester 2004


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ENGL 200 001 (CRN: 21538)


Long Title:
Department: English
Instructor: Morris, Wesley A.
Meeting: 11:00AM - 11:50AM MWF (12-JAN-2004 - 8-MAY-2004) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Seminar
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Prerequisites: ENGL 100
Section Max Enrollment: 15
Section Enrolled: 17
Enrollment data as of: 1-JUN-2024 5:36PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Final Exam Unknown
Description: SEMINAR IN LITERATURE AND LITERARY ANALYSIS ***** Section 1: With a primary focus on story telling, class discussion will center on several interpretive strategies applied to specific works. The class will approach narrative as a form of cultural and personal expression in fiction and film. Several papers will be required, and both class time and individual conferences will focus on improving writing skills. Enrollment limited to 15. ***** INSTRUCTOR: Morris, Wesley ***** Section 2: This course will train students to analyze literary texts through a focus on genre. Three genres- poetry, short story, and novel-plus their respective histories will be studied. Particular attention will be given to the formal rhetorical tools needed to translate one's reading of a text into an interpretation. Enrollment limited to 15. ***** INSTRUCTOR: Aranda, Jose