Department: *Visual and Dramatic Arts*
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Course Type: Studio
Distribution Group: Distribution Group I
Credit Hours: 3
Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Description: An introduction to the art of combining words and pictures: diverse applications such as storyboarding for stage and screen, comic books and graphic novels, and serial or multiples in a variety of media all fall under the umbrella of Sequential Art. Through instruction, demos, readings and practice, students will learn the history and implementation of linear visual narratives. Students in this class will also participate in the construction and establishment of a permanent research center for the study of Comic Book Art within the Department of Visual and Dramatic Arts. This course has limited enrollment. The roster is formatted on the first day class by the instructor, who may allow additional registration for majors and underclassmen. It is necessary to attend the first class meeting to confirm your place on the class roster. Cross-list: FILM 275.