Course Catalog - 2009-2010



Department: Architecture
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Credit Hours: 3
Must be enrolled in one of the following Class(es):
Undergraduate Professional
Description: For hundreds of years "ocular-centrism" has not only constructed the dominant discourse about architectural representation, it has also constructed through depictions, drawings and maps our social interactions, institutions, cities and territories. An image [and its after-image\ carry within themselves histories [performative scripts] of characters, discourses, and conventions. Traditionally however, representation has been addressed and taught only in terms of medium specificity and technique, providing in most cases discourses voided of all their performative power. Challenging successive iterations around issues of medium specificity and representation in terms of abstraction, indexicality or iconicity, this seminar proposes a turn from a rhetoric of representation towards a hermeneutic of generation, imagination and sensation. For this, the seminar proposes a new line of investigation based on the contemporary shift from the 'ocular' towards the ' multisensorial' in order to investigate and transform both inherited and new mediums and techniques. The seminar will expose students to different mediums [digital and analog], techniques, tools and systems of 'performative representation' through class lectures, reading discussions and field trips to several art museums. Open to Juniors and above and all graduates except first year option 1. Graduate/Undergraduate Equivalency: ARCH 608. Mutually Exclusive: Cannot register for ARCH 308 if student has credit for ARCH 608.