Course Catalog - 2003-2004



Long Title:
Department: English
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Distribution Group: Distribution Group I
Credit Hours: 3
Description: MODERN SHORT FICTION FROM BALZAC TO BORGES ***** DISTRIBUTION COURSE GROUP 1 ***** Discussion course devoted entirely to the modern American and European short story with readings from such writers as Balzac, Melville, Flaubert, Mann, Maupassant, Gogol, Chekhov, Gilman, Kafka, O'Connor, Nabokov, Carver,Cortazar, Garcia-Marquez, and Borges. Emphasis on close reading as we talk about alienation and the modern period, the "ethics" of telling, and about death, violence, and sexuality. Selected essays from Freud, Benjamin,Kermode, and Ortega y Gasset will complement our readings in fiction. ***** Also offered as FREN 355.