Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2024


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Additional information available here.

BUSI 401 002 (CRN: 17036)


Department: Business
Instructor: Rountree, Brian
Meeting: 9:25AM - 10:40AM TR (26-AUG-2024 - 6-DEC-2024) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Undergraduate Professional
Visiting Undergraduate
Prerequisites: (BUSI 395 OR STAT 305 OR STAT 310 OR STAT 312 OR STAT 315 OR DSCI 301 OR ECON 307) AND (BUSI 343 OR ECON 343) AND BUSI 305
Section Max Enrollment: 65
Section Enrolled: 65
Enrollment data as of: 23-JAN-2025 4:03AM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Scheduled Final Exam-Dept Room
Final Exam Time:
2:00PM - 5:00PM S
Description: Financial statements are a key source of information about the economic activities of a firm. This course builds on the core financial accounting course by incorporating more complex financial statement items and how they should be interpreted, along with illustrating tools to evaluate performance using financial statement items. Key aspects of the course include understanding how to use information from financial statements to evaluate corporate performance, risk, earnings management, and valuation. The course focuses on determining the quality of financial reporting, the implications for performance measurement and forecasting, along with utilizing this information in conjunction with systematic ratio analysis to examine questions concerning valuation. The course is primarily case based involving the evaluation of actual financial statements and real world investment decisions. Mutually Exclusive: Cannot register for BUSI 401 if student has credit for MACC 512/MGMP 601/MGMP 602/MGMT 601.