Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2017


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Additional information available here.

ARCH 311 001 (CRN: 16690)


Department: Architecture
Instructor: Fox, Stephen
Meeting: 1:00PM - 2:15PM TR (21-AUG-2017 - 1-DEC-2017) 
Part of Term: Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Distribution Group: Distribution Group I
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Course Materials: Rice Campus Store
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s):
Section Max Enrollment: 50
Section Enrolled: 46
Enrollment data as of: 6-FEB-2025 8:53PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Scheduled Final Exam-OTR Room
Final Exam Time:
9:00AM - 12:00PM F
Description: This course consists of a series of illustrated lectures and walking tours that describe and analyze the architecture of Houston from the city's founding in 1836 to the present. Characteristic building types and exceptional works of architecture are identified; tours stimulate an awareness of the historical dimension of urban sites. Mutually Exclusive: Cannot register for ARCH 311 if student has credit for ARCH 611.