Course Schedule - Spring Semester 2016


Meeting location information can now be found on student schedules in ESTHER (for students) or on the Course Roster in ESTHER (for faculty and instructors).
Additional information available here.

GLBL 505 001 (CRN: 24699)


Department: Global Affairs
Instructor: Loch-Temzelides, Ted
Meeting: 6:00PM - 8:59PM M (11-JAN-2016 - 26-FEB-2016) 
Part of Term: 1st Half of Full Term
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Language of Instruction: Taught in English
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 1.5
Course Syllabus:
Section Max Enrollment: 21
Section Enrolled: 19
Enrollment data as of: 10-FEB-2025 1:44PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: GR Course-Dept Schedules Exam
Description: This part develops our foundations on topics such as national product and income concepts, measurements, and relationships; interrelationships of the major segments of the national economy; forces affecting the general level of economic activity. Here we study how the major markets (those for labor, capital, and goods) operate. These markets are first studied in isolation. Why some countries have rapid economic development, and others low growth and pervasive poverty? We will explore the ways in which growing economic interdependence shifts global wealth. We will discuss the role of global energy supply and of ongoing technological progress as a force of change in the global economy. Masters of Global Affairs students only.