Course Schedule - Fall Semester 2006


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MGMT 662 001 (CRN: 11947)


Department: Management
Instructor: Weigelt, Carmen B.
Meeting: 8:30AM - 10:00AM MW (23-OCT-2006 - 5-DEC-2006) 
Part of Term: MBA Term II
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Lecture
Method of Instruction: Face to Face
Credit Hours: 3
Course Syllabus:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Program(s):
Section Max Enrollment: 100
Section Enrolled: 6
Enrollment data as of: 12-MAY-2024 11:56PM
Additional Fees: None
Final Exam: Final Exam Unknown
Description: This course provides a strategy framework for managing various aspects of innovation. The emphasis throughout this course is on the development and application of conceptual frameworks which clarify how innovation affects the competitive dynamics of markets, how firms can strategically manage innovation, and how firms can implement innovation strategies to penetrate new markets, achieve higher margins, and increase their sustainable competitive advantage. The first half of the course examines industry dynamics and patterns of technological change and thier impacts on firms, planning for technological transitions, and means for commercializing innovation. The second half of the course studies organizational issues involved in managing innovation such as understanding the strategic use of complementary assets and value assets and value networks, managing disruptive versus sustaining technologies, exploiting sources of new product ideas, and crafting a strategy for project selection The course uses case analyses of companies and a combination of class discussion and lecture to examine these topics.