Course Catalog - 2004-2005



Long Title:
Department: German Studies
Grade Mode: Standard Letter
Course Type: Seminar
Distribution Group: Distribution Group I
Credit Hours: 3
Description: THROUGH TIME AND SPACE: EUROPEAN TRAVEL STORIES ***** A travel story stands at the beginning of European Literature: Homer's Odyssey. Since ancient times, literary travel accounts of all sorts, to all destinations, by all means and undertaken with a wide range of different purposes have kept Europeans on the move. First attracted by the exotic and the unknown in the far distance, the interest moved ever closer to the self, and the exploration of the human mind became the most exotic and intriguing journey. Readings include Homer, Swift, Voltaire, Goethe, Heine, Twain, and Verne. Taught in English. ***** Also offered as FSEM 123. ***** Enrollment limited to 15. ***** Course not offered 2004-2005. ***** Instructor: Steiner.